Tuesday 6 August 2013

The train carriage from Through the Looking-Glass

The train carriage from Through the Looking-Glass, an illustration by JVL 
in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, Artists' Choice Editions, 2011.

The text:

'Tickets, please!' said the Guard, putting his head in at the window.
In a moment everybody was holding out a ticket: they were about
the same size as the people, and quite seemed to fill the carriage.

'Now then! Show your ticket, child!' the Guard went on, looking
angrily at Alice. And a great many voices all said together ('like the
chorus of a song,' thought Alice), 'Don't keep him waiting, child!
Why, his time is worth a thousand pounds a minute!'

 'I'm afraid I haven't got one,' Alice said in a frightened tone: 'there
wasn't a ticket-office where I came from.' And again the chorus of
voices went on. 'There wasn't room for one where she came from.
The land there is worth a thousand pounds an inch!'

'Don't make excuses,' said the Guard: 'you should have bought one
 from the engine-driver.' And once more the chorus of voices went
on with 'The man that drives the engine. Why, the smoke alone is
worth a thousand pounds a puff!'

Alice thought to herself, 'Then there's no use in speaking.' The
voices didn't join in this time, as she hadn't spoken, but to her great
surprise, they all THOUGHT in chorus (I hope you understand what
THINKING IN CHORUS means -- for I must confess that _I_ don't),
'Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a

 'I shall dream about a thousand pounds tonight, I know I shall!'
thought Alice.

All this time the Guard was looking at her, first through a telescope,
 then through a microscope, and then through an opera- glass. At
last he said, 'You're travelling the wrong way,' and shut up the
window and went away.

'So young a child,' said the gentleman sitting opposite to her (he was
dressed in white paper), 'ought to know which way she's going,
even if she doesn't know her own name!'

A Goat, that was sitting next to the gentleman in white, shut his
eyes and said in a loud voice, 'She ought to know her way to the
ticket-office, even if she doesn't know her alphabet!'

There was a Beetle sitting next to the Goat (it was a very queer
carriage-full of passengers altogether), and, as the rule seemed to
be that they should all speak in turn, HE went on with 'She'll have
to go back from here as luggage!'
Alice couldn't see who was sitting beyond the Beetle, but a hoarse

voice spoke next. 'Change engines -- ' it said, and was obliged to
leave off.

 'It sounds like a horse,' Alice thought to herself. And an extremely
small voice, close to her ear, said, 'You might make a joke on that --
 something about "horse" and "hoarse," you know.'

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